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Acupuncture: A technique in which very fine, sterile, single-use, surgical-grade steel needles are inserted into acupoints on the patient's body. According to acupuncture theory, the acupoints are functional spots along pathways called channels or meridians, which cover the surface of the body and connect to the neuromusculoskeletal system, sensory organs, and internal organs. The intended effect is to activate the flow of energy and blood in the channels, thereby activating the body's own defense, repair, healing, and regulation mechanisms.
Electrostimulation: A gentle electrical current that is sometimes used between acupoints using electrodes attached to acupuncture needles to increase stimulation along the channels.
Cupping: A type of manual therapy by which spherical glass cups are affixed to the body by briefly heating the air inside them before placing the cup against the skin. After placing the cup on the skin, the air inside cools and creates suction, thereby increasing blood flow to the affected areas.
Dietary Therapy: Like herbal therapy, recommendations that are based on the flavors and thermal effects of ingredients in relation to the patient's constitution and imbalances, with the goal of creating a diet that consists of a balanced variety of flavors and thermal effects to promote optimal health.
Herbal Therapy: Supplements that are sometimes administered per patient in a tailored fashion based on the flavors and thermal effects of ingredients in relation to the patient's constitution and imbalances, most often administered in a pill or capsule format.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong: Activities that include physical routines, stretching postures, self-massage, and meditation to achieve and maintain flexibility, range of motion, strength, and relaxation.
Acupuncture Intake Forms
- Click here for acupuncture intake forms.
- Click here to read our notice of privacy practices.
Follow up acupuncture sessions last about one hour, with needle retention lasting about thirty minutes. Patients should plan on eating within a few hours beforehand and on wearing comfortable clothes that can be adjusted to expose the arms and legs below the elbows and knees. Initial appointments for new patients last about ninety minutes with additional intake discussion.
In addition to cash, check, and cards, we accept HSA and FSA payments.
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